Config Preview
This is the full Config. Here you can see everything that you can edit so the script fits your need perfectly. Information on what each setting does can be found on the page Installation and Configuration.
Config = {} -- don't touch
Locale = {} -- don't touch
_____ ___ ___ ____ _____ ______ ______ _______ _____ _______ _________ ______
|_ _| .' `.|_ ||_ _| |_ _|.' ____ \ .' ___ ||_ __ \ |_ _||_ __ \ | _ _ |.' ____ \
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| | _ | | | | | __'. | | _.____`. | | | __ / | | | ___/ | | _.____`.
_| |__/ |\ `-' /_| | \ \_ _| |_ | \____) |\ `.___.'\ _| | \ \_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | \____) |
|________| `.___.'|____||____||_____| \______.' `.____ .'|____| |___||_____||_____| |_____| \______.'
_____ ___ ___ ____ _____ _________ _ ____ ____ _____
|_ _| .' `.|_ ||_ _| |_ _| | _ _ | / \ |_ _||_ _||_ _|
| | / .-. \ | |_/ / | | |_/ | | \_| / _ \ \ \ / / | |
| | _ | | | | | __'. | | | | / ___ \ > `' < | |
_| |__/ |\ `-' /_| | \ \_ _| |_ _______ _| |_ _/ / \ \_ _/ /'`\ \_ _| |_
|________| `.___.'|____||____||_____||_______||_____||____| |____||____||____||_____|
------------------------- General ------------------
Config.Locale = 'en' -- de or en
Config.Currency = 'β¬' -- currency for display
Config.Unit = 'metric' -- metric (kilometer) or imperial (mile)
Config.TaxiModels = { -- vehicle models where the taximeter should be visible
[`taxi`], -- use backticks to convert name into model hash
Config.PlayerPriceControl = false -- allow the driver to change the price themselves. Not for npc jobs, will disable the Config.Prices.player values but keep the default price
Config.Prices = {
player = {
defaultPrice = 36.80, -- used if area is not found or as default when the player controls the price
zones = { -- prices per km/mi in each zone of the map | do not change the abbreviations, google the name of the zone if you are don't know where it is
---- city (vinewood hills and below)
ALTA = 36.80, -- Alta
BANNING = 36.80, -- Banning
BEACH = 36.80, -- Vespucci Beach
BURTON = 36.80, -- Burton
CHAMH = 36.80, -- Chamberlain Hills
CHIL = 36.80, -- Vinewood Hills
CYPRE = 36.80, -- Cypress Flats
DAVIS = 36.80, -- Davis
DELBE = 36.80, -- Del Perro Beach
DELPE = 36.80, -- Del Perro
DELSOL = 36.80, -- La Puerta
DOWNT = 36.80, -- Downtown
DTVINE = 36.80, -- Downtown Vinewood
EAST_V = 36.80, -- East Vinewood
EBURO = 36.80, -- El Burro Heights
GOLF = 36.80, -- GWC and Golfing Society
HAWICK = 36.80, -- Hawick
HORS = 36.80, -- Vinewood Racetrack
KOREAT = 36.80, -- Little Seoul
LEGSQU = 36.80, -- Legion Square
LMESA = 36.80, -- La Mesa
LOSPUER = 36.80, -- La Puerta
MIRR = 36.80, -- Mirror Park
MORN = 36.80, -- Morningwood
MOVIE = 36.80, -- Richards Majestic
MURRI = 36.80, -- Murrieta Heights
PBLUFF = 36.80, -- Pacific Bluffs
PBOX = 36.80, -- Pillbox Hill
RANCHO = 36.80, -- Rancho
RICHM = 36.80, -- Richman
ROCKF = 36.80, -- Rockford Hills
SKID = 36.80, -- Mission Row
STAD = 36.80, -- Maze Bank Arena
STRAW = 36.80, -- Strawberry
TEXTI = 36.80, -- Textile City
VCANA = 36.80, -- Vespucci Canals
VESP = 36.80, -- Vespucci
VINE = 36.80, -- Vinewood
WVINE = 36.80, -- West Vinewood
AIRP = 36.80, -- Los Santos International Airport
ZP_ORT = 36.80, -- Port of South Los Santos
ELYSIAN = 36.80, -- Elysian Island
TERMINA = 36.80, -- Terminal
---- rural area (vinewood hills to sandy shores and east side next to the city)
ARMYB = 40.15, -- Fort Zancudo
LAGO = 40.15, -- Lago Zancudo
ZANCUDO = 40.15, -- Zancudo River
BANHAMC = 40.15, -- Banham Canyon Dr
BHAMCA = 40.15, -- Banham Canyon
CHU = 40.15, -- Chumash
DESRT = 40.15, -- Grand Senora Desert
GREATC = 40.15, -- Great Chaparral
HARMO = 40.15, -- Harmony
HUMLAB = 40.15, -- Humane Labs and Research
JAIL = 40.15, -- Bolingbroke Penitentiary
LACT = 40.15, -- Land Act Reservoir
LDAM = 40.15, -- Land Act Dam
TATAMO = 40.15, -- Tataviam Mountains
NOOSE = 40.15, -- N.O.O.S.E headquaters
PALHIGH = 40.15, -- Palomino Highlands
PALMPOW = 40.15, -- Palmer-Taylor Power Station
RGLEN = 40.15, -- Richman Glen
RTRAK = 40.15, -- Redwood Lights Track
SANAND = 40.15, -- San Andreas
SANCHIA = 40.15, -- San Chianski Mountain Range
SANDY = 40.15, -- Sandy Shores
SLAB = 40.15, -- Stab City
TONGVAH = 40.15, -- Tongva Hills
TONGVAV = 40.15, -- Tongva Valley
WINDF = 40.15, -- Ron Alternates Wind Farm
ZQ_UAR = 40.15, -- Davis Quartz
---- north (everything over sandy shores)
ALAMO = 45.65, -- Alamo Sea
BRADP = 45.65, -- Braddock Pass
BRADT = 45.65, -- Braddock Tunnel
CALAFB = 45.65, -- Calafia Bridge
CANNY = 45.65, -- Raton Canyon
CCREAK = 45.65, -- Cassidy Creek
CMSW = 45.65, -- Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness
ELGORL = 45.65, -- El Gordo Lighthouse
GALFISH = 45.65, -- Galilee
GRAPES = 45.65, -- Grapeseed
MTCHIL = 45.65, -- Mount Chiliad
MTGORDO = 45.65, -- Mount Gordo
MTJOSE = 45.65, -- Mount Josiah
NCHU = 45.65, -- North Chumash
OCEANA = 45.65, -- Pacific Ocean
PALCOV = 45.65, -- Paleto Cove
PALETO = 45.65, -- Paleto Bay
PALFOR = 45.65, -- Paleto Forest
PROCOB = 45.65, -- Procopio Beach
PROL = 45.65, -- Prologue / North Yankton
ISHei = 45.65, -- Cayo Perico Island
npc = {
defaultPrice = 36.80, -- used in case the area is not found for some reason
zones = { -- prices per km/mi in each zone of the map | do not change the abbreviations, google the name of the zone if you are don't know where it is
---- city (vinewood hills and below)
ALTA = 36.80, -- Alta
BANNING = 36.80, -- Banning
BEACH = 36.80, -- Vespucci Beach
BURTON = 36.80, -- Burton
CHAMH = 36.80, -- Chamberlain Hills
CHIL = 36.80, -- Vinewood Hills
CYPRE = 36.80, -- Cypress Flats
DAVIS = 36.80, -- Davis
DELBE = 36.80, -- Del Perro Beach
DELPE = 36.80, -- Del Perro
DELSOL = 36.80, -- La Puerta
DOWNT = 36.80, -- Downtown
DTVINE = 36.80, -- Downtown Vinewood
EAST_V = 36.80, -- East Vinewood
EBURO = 36.80, -- El Burro Heights
GOLF = 36.80, -- GWC and Golfing Society
HAWICK = 36.80, -- Hawick
HORS = 36.80, -- Vinewood Racetrack
KOREAT = 36.80, -- Little Seoul
LEGSQU = 36.80, -- Legion Square
LMESA = 36.80, -- La Mesa
LOSPUER = 36.80, -- La Puerta
MIRR = 36.80, -- Mirror Park
MORN = 36.80, -- Morningwood
MOVIE = 36.80, -- Richards Majestic
MURRI = 36.80, -- Murrieta Heights
PBLUFF = 36.80, -- Pacific Bluffs
PBOX = 36.80, -- Pillbox Hill
RANCHO = 36.80, -- Rancho
RICHM = 36.80, -- Richman
ROCKF = 36.80, -- Rockford Hills
SKID = 36.80, -- Mission Row
STAD = 36.80, -- Maze Bank Arena
STRAW = 36.80, -- Strawberry
TEXTI = 36.80, -- Textile City
VCANA = 36.80, -- Vespucci Canals
VESP = 36.80, -- Vespucci
VINE = 36.80, -- Vinewood
WVINE = 36.80, -- West Vinewood
AIRP = 36.80, -- Los Santos International Airport
ZP_ORT = 36.80, -- Port of South Los Santos
ELYSIAN = 36.80, -- Elysian Island
TERMINA = 36.80, -- Terminal
---- rural area (vinewood hills to sandy shores and east side next to the city)
ARMYB = 40.15, -- Fort Zancudo
LAGO = 40.15, -- Lago Zancudo
ZANCUDO = 40.15, -- Zancudo River
BANHAMC = 40.15, -- Banham Canyon Dr
BHAMCA = 40.15, -- Banham Canyon
CHU = 40.15, -- Chumash
DESRT = 40.15, -- Grand Senora Desert
GREATC = 40.15, -- Great Chaparral
HARMO = 40.15, -- Harmony
HUMLAB = 40.15, -- Humane Labs and Research
JAIL = 40.15, -- Bolingbroke Penitentiary
LACT = 40.15, -- Land Act Reservoir
LDAM = 40.15, -- Land Act Dam
TATAMO = 40.15, -- Tataviam Mountains
NOOSE = 40.15, -- N.O.O.S.E headquaters
PALHIGH = 40.15, -- Palomino Highlands
PALMPOW = 40.15, -- Palmer-Taylor Power Station
RGLEN = 40.15, -- Richman Glen
RTRAK = 40.15, -- Redwood Lights Track
SANAND = 40.15, -- San Andreas
SANCHIA = 40.15, -- San Chianski Mountain Range
SANDY = 40.15, -- Sandy Shores
SLAB = 40.15, -- Stab City
TONGVAH = 40.15, -- Tongva Hills
TONGVAV = 40.15, -- Tongva Valley
WINDF = 40.15, -- Ron Alternates Wind Farm
ZQ_UAR = 40.15, -- Davis Quartz
---- north (everything over sandy shores)
ALAMO = 45.65, -- Alamo Sea
BRADP = 45.65, -- Braddock Pass
BRADT = 45.65, -- Braddock Tunnel
CALAFB = 45.65, -- Calafia Bridge
CANNY = 45.65, -- Raton Canyon
CCREAK = 45.65, -- Cassidy Creek
CMSW = 45.65, -- Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness
ELGORL = 45.65, -- El Gordo Lighthouse
GALFISH = 45.65, -- Galilee
GRAPES = 45.65, -- Grapeseed
MTCHIL = 45.65, -- Mount Chiliad
MTGORDO = 45.65, -- Mount Gordo
MTJOSE = 45.65, -- Mount Josiah
NCHU = 45.65, -- North Chumash
OCEANA = 45.65, -- Pacific Ocean
PALCOV = 45.65, -- Paleto Cove
PALETO = 45.65, -- Paleto Bay
PALFOR = 45.65, -- Paleto Forest
PROCOB = 45.65, -- Procopio Beach
PROL = 45.65, -- Prologue / North Yankton
ISHei = 45.65, -- Cayo Perico Island
Config.TaxiJob = nil -- the job required to be a taxi driver. nil for no job.
-- if job is set to nil, taxi calls will go to everyone who is currently driving a taxi
Config.Webhook = nil -- discord webhook link for logs
Config.TaximeterKey = "LSHIFT" -- key to interact with the taximeter |
Config.CallTaxi = true -- allow players to all call a taxi with /calltaxi
------------------------ NPC Jobs ------------------
Config.NPCJobs = true -- enable/disable npc jobs
Config.JobKey = "E" -- key to accept a new npc job |
---------------------- Notifications ---------------
Config.Notification = 'esx' -- Available notification systems: okokNotify, esx, lib (ox_lib), RiP-Notify, qb, wasabi_notify, mythic_notify, sy_notify, custom
---- Write your custom Notify system here if you wish to use your own
function CustomNotify(type, msg, heading, source, duration)
-- Your Custom function goes here
-- Used types are error, success and info
-- msg is the displayed notification text
-- heading is for systems like okokNotify with headings on the notification. Just dont use it if your system does not have one.
-- currentID is the server ID of the player that gets the notification
If you have any questions, open a ticket on our discord!
Last updated
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