Installation and configuration
Guide for first time installation
1. Database Setup
First, we need to setup the needed additions to your database. By default the setting Config.CreateTables is turned on and creates everything needed automatically for you on startup. If you disabled this, execute the required.sql file,
2. Configuring the Config File
Now you need to adjust the config file to your liking. All points in the config are explained below. you can also see a full preview of the Config on the page Config Preview
ESX Export
This setting is used for never ESX versions that use the export on server side to get the ESX data instead of TriggerServerEvent. I think this is used for everything after 1.8.5, if you use 1.8.5 or below, turn this setting off.
Create Tables
If this is set to true, on first startup the script will automatically do the needed changes to your database such as creating the table for the registered vehicles. After this is done, this setting has no effect and can be turned off.
Here you can configure the individual impounds. For example, Police is the name of the first impound, Position specifies the coordinates of the impound or marker as a Vector3(x, y, z). VehicleSpawn, also specified as a vector3, determins where vehicles are spawned when a player unparks them. VehicleSpawnRotation specifies the direction they are facing (0Β°-360Β°). Size is simply the size of the marker, make sure all 3 values are the same. Color is the color of the marker in RGB format (0 to 255 per color). Type is the type of marker, 27 is a simple circle on the ground. You can find the different types here: markers. Blip is the blip that is displayed on the map, you can find the available ones here: blips. BlipColor is the color of the marker on the map, you can find the available colors here as code: colors. Society is the society to which the money from the bail etc. is transferred. Make sure it is specified correctly, these are usually listed as society_[jobname] in the addon_account_data table. police = 0 specifies the job and rank that can impound vehicles at this impound, police is the job, 0 is the rank. You can add as many more jobs as you like using the same schema. You can add as many more impounds as you like.
Here you can find the language of the script. Currently available are de and en for German and English. You can also view and edit the translations yourself, open the corresponding file in the locales folder.
This specifies the currency you want to use. This is irrelevant for the system, it only changes whether 500β¬ or 500$ or something else is displayed in notifications, for example.
Webhook Discord Logs
Set Config.Webhook to true to enable logs via Discord. You also need to insert the link to your Discord Webhook in Config.WebhookLink. To get it, go to the channel on your Discord where you want the log to be. Go to the gear icon there and then to Integrations in the menu. Now you can create a new Webhook under Webhooks and then New WebHook and copy the link there.
Config.AuctionDelay specifies the number of days after a vehicle is released for impound that the auction will start. 28 here means that the auction will start if the owner has not picked up their vehicle after 4 weeks. Config.AuctionDuration is the duration of the auction in days.
Config.MaxBail is the maximum bail that can be set for a vehicle. MaxBailDays is the maximum duration that can be specified before a vehicle is released for impound.
If you use Jacksams vehicle keys script, set this to true. All this does is refresh the players keys when spawning a vehicle.
If your server uses zapps_billing, you can set this entry to true, then everything will be entered into the billing menu. Otherwise, just leave it at false.
Here you can switch between an esx_context and an esx_default menu. Whe using a default menu, you can also choose the position.
Here you can set your notifications. Config.Notification has esx, okokNotify, RiP-Notify and custom available, if you select custom you can insert your own function for notifications below. type is the type of message, info, success, or error. msg contains the message itself, heading the heading if supported by your system and currentID the serverID of the player.
3. LOKI_TAX Integration
If you own our loki_tax script, you can use these features. Simply set Config.UseTax to true. Then, a percentage specified below will be automatically deducted from auctions and bails and transferred to the specified society. 0.05 corresponds to 5%. You can also set that registered vehicles will be automatically impounded if the owner cannot pay the tax. For more information, please refer to the documentation and config of loki_tax.
Last updated
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