Locale Preview
Locale.en = {
------------------ Translations ----------------
-- below you can see every single text used in
-- this script as translation. You can change
-- them if you want or create your own
-- translation file, more info on that in the
-- documentation. %s is a spaceholder for a
-- variable that gets filled in with the
-- according value, don't change that.
-- If you need help with anything, open a
-- ticket on our discord
-------------------- Commands ------------------
titleVehicle = 'kfzregistrieren',
registerVehicle = 'kfzanmelden',
unRegisterVehicle = 'kfzabmelden',
checkVehicle = 'kfzabfrage',
checkPrice = 'kfzpreis',
updateVehicleOwner = 'kfzupdate',
------------------ Notifications ---------------
plateNotFound = 'Unable to find provided plate',
alreadyAdded = 'The vehicle already has a title',
vehicleAdded = 'The vehicle now has a title',
noRegistrationNeeded = 'Emergency- and job vehicles do not have to be registered',
wrongOwner = 'You provided the wrong owner',
wrongJob = 'Your job does not have permission for this action',
notAdded = 'The vehicle has to have a title before it can be registered',
alreadyRegistered = 'The vehicle is already registered',
alreadyUnRegistered = 'The vehicle is already not registered',
registered = 'The vehicle is now registered',
unRegistered = 'The vehicle is now unregistered',
notAdded = 'The vehicle does not have a title',
notRegistered = 'The vehicle is not registered',
checkNotRegistered = 'The vehicle is not registered. Owner: %s', -- name
isRegistered = 'The vehicle is registered. Owner: %s', -- name
updateOwner = 'The vehicle owner was updated',
vehiclePrice = 'The price of the vehicle is %s%s', -- price, currency
payVehicleTax = 'You received an invoice for vehicle tax. The cost is %s%s', -- cost, currency
payPropertyTax = 'You received an invoice for property tax. The cost is %s%s', -- cost, currency
payCapitalTax = 'You received an invoice for capital tax. The cost is %s%s', -- cost, currency
payGasTax = 'You received an invoice for your gas station. The cost is %s%s', -- cost, currency
payShopTax = 'You received an invoice for your store. The cost is %s%s', -- cost, currency
wrongArguments = 'First you need to provide a plate and then the lastname',
faltyPlate = 'You did not provide a valid plate',
gradeToLow = 'Your grade is to low for this action',
notNear = 'The vehicle is not near you',
unableToFindOwner = 'Unable to find the owner of the specified vehicle',
taxReturnSuccess = 'You filed your tax report and received %s%s', -- amount, currency
taxReturnError = 'You can file another tax report in %s days', -- time in days
-------------------- Headings ------------------
error = 'Error',
vehicleRegister = 'Vehicle menu',
vehicleTax = 'Vehicle tax',
propertyTax = 'Property tax',
capitalTax = 'Capital tax',
shopTax = 'Tax on your store',
gasTax = 'Tax on your gas station',
taxAgency = 'IRS',
---------------- Webhook / Logs ----------------
vehicleAddedHook = 'Vehicle Title',
vehicleAdd = 'The vehicle with the plate %s got a title by %s', -- plate, name
vehicleRegistration = 'Vehicle registration',
vehicleRegistered = 'The vehicle with the plate %s was registered by %s', -- plate, name
vehicleUnRegistration = 'Vehicle unregistration',
vehicleUnRegistered = 'The vehicle with the plate %s was unregistered by %s', -- plate, name
ownerUpdate = 'The owner of the vehicle with the plate %s was updated by %s', -- plate, name
taxVehicle = 'Vehicle Tax',
vehicleInvoice = '%s received an invoice for vehicle tax in the ammount of %s%s for their vehicle with the plate %s', -- name, cost, currency, plate
taxProperty = 'Property Tax',
propertyInvoice = '%s received an invoice for proerty tax in the ammount of %s%s', -- name, cost, currency
taxCapital = 'Capital Tax',
capitalInvoice = '%s received an invoice for capital tax in the ammount of %s%s', -- name, cost, currency
shopTax = 'Store Tax',
shopInvoice = '%s received an invoice for store tax in the ammount of %s%s', -- name, cost, currency
taxGas = 'Gas Station Tax',
gasInvoice = '%s received an invoice for gas station tax in the ammound of %s%s', -- name, cost, currency
taxCompany = 'Company Tax',
companyInvoice = '%s paid %s%s in company tax', -- company, cost, currency
taxReturn = 'Tax Return',
taxReturnDetails = '%s filed their tax report and received back %s%s', -- name, amount, currency
taxFixed = 'Fixed Taxes',
fixedInvoice = '%s received and invoice for %s in the amount of %s%s', -- name, tax, cost, currency
-------------------- Invoices ------------------
invoiceProperty = 'Invoice for property tax',
invoiceVehicle = 'Invoice for vehicle tax with the plate %s', -- plate
invoiceCapital = 'Invoice for capital tax',
invoiceShop = 'Invoice for store tax',
invoiceGas = 'Invoice for gas station tax',
invoiceCompany = 'Invoice for company tax',
------------------ Fixed Taxes -----------------
-- these are the translations for your custom taxes specified in the Config.lua in the Tax.FixedTaxes section. These need to have the same name as the tax configured
phoneBill = 'Invoice for your phone bill',
healthInsurance = 'Invoice for your health insurance',
--------------------- Menu ---------------------
mCheckVehicle = 'Check plate',
mTitleVehicle = 'Title vehicle',
mRegisterVehicle = 'Register vehicle',
mUnRegisterVehicle = 'Unregister vehicle',
mUpdateVehicle = 'Update vehicle owner',
mCheckPrice = 'Check vehicle price',
mTitle = 'Vehicle Menu',
mInputPlate = 'Insert plate',
mInputName = 'Insert lastname',
mSubmit = 'Submit',
mFileTaxReport = 'File Tax Report',
--------------------- Keybind ------------------
keybindDescr = 'Open vehicle menu',
Last updated
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