Config Preview
This is the full Config. Here you can see everything that you can edit so the script fits your need perfectly. Information on what each setting does can be found on the page Installation and Configuration.
Config = {}
Config.EsxExport = true -- esx export instead of trigger event for newer esx versions
Config.CreateTables = true -- creates necessary tables on first startup. Has no impact if you already have the database tables
Config.Impounds = {
Polizei = {
Position = vector3(453.1104, -1145.9418, 28.5141),
VehicleSpawn = vector3(440.3765, -1150.2145, 29.2919),
VehicleSpawnRotation = 270,
Size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 2.5 },
Color = { r = 110, g = 243, b = 113 },
Type = 27,
Blip = 67, -- nil to deactivate blip
BlipColor = 3,
Society = 'society_police',
--- Job and Rank with access to impound vehicles here
polizei = 0,
Mechanic = {
Position = vector3(-392.9936, -144.1660, 37.5322),
VehicleSpawn = vector3(-387.4104, -142.0013, 38.5234),
VehicleSpawnRotation = 215,
Size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 2.5 },
Color = { r = 110, g = 243, b = 113 },
Type = 27,
Blip = 67, -- nil to deactivate blip
BlipColor = 5,
Society = 'society_mechanic',
--- Job and Rank with access to impound vehicles here
mechanic = 0,
Config.Locale = 'en' -- translations in de or en
Config.Currency = 'β¬'
Config.Webhook = true
Config.WebhookLink = ''
Config.AuctionDelay = 28 -- How many days after vehicle is available for bail will the auction start
Config.AuctionDuration = 4 -- Duration of the auction in days
Config.MaxBail = 50000
Config.MaxBailDays = 14
Config.JacksamVehicleKeys = true -- if you use vehiclekeys by jacksam, set this to true to refresh players keys
Config.zapps_billing = true -- use zapps_billing? true/false
--------------- Menu ---------------
Config.Menu = 'context' -- context = esx_context, default = esx_menu_default, esx_menu_dialog, esx_menu_list
Config.MenuPosition = 'top-left' -- top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right | center - for default only
--------------- Notifications ---------------
Config.Notification = 'esx' -- Available notification systems: okokNotify, esx, custom
---- Write your custom Notify system here if you wish to use your own
function CustomNotify(type, msg, heading, currentID)
-- Your Custom function goes here
-- Used types are error, success and info
-- msg is the displayed notification text
-- heading is for systems like okokNotify with headings on the notification. Just dont use it if your system does not have one.
-- currentID is the server ID of the player that gets the notification
--------------- Tax ---------------
---- Only available if you own loki_tax
Config.UseTax = true
Config.BailTax = 0.05 -- ~5%
Config.AuctionTax = 0.05 -- ~5%
Config.TaxSociety = 'society_unemployed' -- society that gets the money from taxes
If you have any questions, requests or problems, open a ticket on our discord!
Last updated
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