Config Preview
Hier einmal ist einmal die komplette Config zu sehehen. Für Informationen was die einzelnen Einstellungen tun, lies dir die Seite Installation und Konfiguration durch.
Config = {}
Config.EsxExport = true -- esx export instead of trigger event for newer esx versions
Config.CreateTables = true -- creates necessary tables on first startup. Has no impact if you already have the database tables
Config.Impounds = {
Polizei = {
Position = vector3(453.1104, -1145.9418, 28.5141),
VehicleSpawn = vector3(440.3765, -1150.2145, 29.2919),
VehicleSpawnRotation = 270,
Size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 2.5 },
Color = { r = 110, g = 243, b = 113 },
Type = 27,
Blip = 67, -- nil to deactivate blip
BlipColor = 3,
Society = 'society_police',
--- Job and Rank with access to impound vehicles here
polizei = 0,
Mechanic = {
Position = vector3(-392.9936, -144.1660, 37.5322),
VehicleSpawn = vector3(-387.4104, -142.0013, 38.5234),
VehicleSpawnRotation = 215,
Size = { x = 2.5, y = 2.5, z = 2.5 },
Color = { r = 110, g = 243, b = 113 },
Type = 27,
Blip = 67, -- nil to deactivate blip
BlipColor = 5,
Society = 'society_mechanic',
--- Job and Rank with access to impound vehicles here
mechanic = 0,
Config.Locale = 'en' -- translations in de or en
Config.Currency = '€'
Config.Webhook = true
Config.WebhookLink = ''
Config.AuctionDelay = 28 -- How many days after vehicle is available for bail will the auction start
Config.AuctionDuration = 4 -- Duration of the auction in days
Config.MaxBail = 50000
Config.MaxBailDays = 14
Config.JacksamVehicleKeys = true -- if you use vehiclekeys by jacksam, set this to true to refresh players keys
Config.zapps_billing = true -- use zapps_billing? true/false
--------------- Menu ---------------
Config.Menu = 'context' -- context = esx_context, default = esx_menu_default, esx_menu_dialog, esx_menu_list
Config.MenuPosition = 'top-left' -- top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right | center - for default only
--------------- Notifications ---------------
Config.Notification = 'esx' -- Available notification systems: okokNotify, esx, custom
---- Write your custom Notify system here if you wish to use your own
function CustomNotify(type, msg, heading, currentID)
-- Your Custom function goes here
-- Used types are error, success and info
-- msg is the displayed notification text
-- heading is for systems like okokNotify with headings on the notification. Just dont use it if your system does not have one.
-- currentID is the server ID of the player that gets the notification
--------------- Tax ---------------
---- Only available if you own loki_tax
Config.UseTax = true
Config.BailTax = 0.05 -- ~5%
Config.AuctionTax = 0.05 -- ~5%
Config.TaxSociety = 'society_unemployed' -- society that gets the money from taxes
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