General information and features about loki_taxi
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General information and features about loki_taxi
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loki_taxi is an inovative script that helps making the job of your taxi drivers much more exciting and less boring by giving them always something to do. For support please join our Discord, or write us an e-mail to: support@lokiscripts.com
Realistic Taximeter (picture below)
NPC driving jobs to cure boredom
Taxi Call/Dispatch system
Prices can be confgured by region, the taximeter will automatically switch when entering a new region. Can also be configured to be controlled by the driver
The Taximeter is visible for all passengers but only the driver can interact with it.
Script Preview Video:
The taximeter does not handle billing for driving around other players. This should be done in your way, by the customer just paying in cash or the driver handing out a bill through your scripts.
Read the following pages for instructions on how to install and use the script. If you have any question, feel free to ask on our discord: https://discord.gg/CfnuaArDBk